Digital Museum Curator & Content Creator

Digital Museum Curator & Content Creator

Digital Museum Curator & Content Creator

The German-American Heritage Museum is a non-profit organization dedicated to preserving and promoting German American heritage. The German-American Heritage Foundation fosters cultural understanding through outreach efforts.

Working in this organization has been rewarding, as it allows me to positively impact society. As a museum curator and digital content creator, I was responsible for planning and managing both digital and in-house exhibitions. This included selecting artifacts, creating content such as videos and virtual tours, and ensuring an engaging online experience for visitors.

During COVID-19, many could not visit the museum, so I organized Zoom events to reach audiences at home. I also developed digital exhibitions and promoted them through social media and online marketing to attract online viewers.

Projects Completed

-From the Black Forest to the California Desert: The Life and Work of Fritz Faiss

-Spooks and Spirits - Legends from Germany and Beyond

-Beethoven 250 - A Tribute Concert featuring The American Virtuosi

-German-American Oral History Project: Stories of German-speaking immigrants in America.

-German American Day 2020 Featuring the United Church of Washington, DC

-German Vinyl Records the Untold History: German History of Records

-The 100th Anniversary of the 19th Amendment: German-American suffragettes and the perception and impact of women’s suffrage. 

Book Project
-How German Ingenuity Inspired America: More Fun, More Beauty, More Freedom